Slingsby was a great one
for theories. Over a pint and a roll-up or two he could always be
relied upon to keep his companions amused with whacky stories.
Many of his observations made it to be the titles of his tunes:
The Revenge of the Kerbstones was one such theory-turned-tune-title.
Xero reasoned - although
maybe 'reasoned' is not quite the right word for whatever it was
that went on in his head - that these seemingly inoffensive bits
of stonemasonry become extremely pissed off at being trampled on all
day long. So much so that at 3AM they lie in wait for the poor unsuspecting
drunk who has missed the last bus, hasn't got enough money for a
taxi and is trying valiantly to stumble home.
It is then that the Pavement
leaps up with all its might into its victim's face. There were a great
many nights during Slingsby's mis-spent youth which might have provided
the inspiration for this ontological profundity.
(Video of Cafe Click version of "Revenge of the Kerbstones" from the "Shove It!" LP)